Our Mission.
We exist to build interconnected, economically-vibrant communities. Our focus is on the food & beverage industry across the value chain, which deeply touches all of our lives, and where there is an immediate need to change how we do business-as-usual.
At Cureate, we believe in:
Curiosity & Creativity
Questioning the status quo - shaking things up, asking new questions, and working toward innovative solutions that will be most beneficial to the most stakeholders in our community. When we see a roadblock to implementing a plan, asking ourselves "How might we approach this differently? Why has this been the system for so long, and is there an opportunity to change?"
Ensuring we all have the tools, resources and opportunities to make informed choices and maximize our chances for success. Operating in a space of trust that supports and encourages all of our unique skill sets.
Getting back up on our feet when things don't go as expected or desired, during good times and bad. Turning frustration into fascination, and viewing failure as feedback. Building a strong, stable foundation that doesn’t waiver in the face of adversity.
Acting thoughtfully and deliberately, ensuring all that we do is in support of our mission and in alignment with our values - and being honest and acting accordingly when something isn’t. Being fully present, committed and compassionate in how we make our decisions.