Want to Start a Food Business? This New School Can Help

“The specialty foods industry is on the rise, reaching $127 billion in sales in 2016, up 15 percent since 2014. And data shows craft culinary products are outpacing their non-specialty counterparts in categories up and down the grocery aisle.

But turning your grandma’s sweet pastries into a profitable business isn’t always as easy as pie.

It requires a business plan, startup funds and access to a commercial kitchen. Then there are regulatory hurdles, marketing strategies and hiring tactics.

For those far removed from the business world, these responsibilities can be overwhelming. That’s where School of Food comes in — a yearlong educational curriculum for current and prospective food and beverage business owners.”

Read more here: https://www.nbcwashington.com/local/dc-wtop-want-to-start-a-food-business-this-new-school-can-help/27094/


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